BEAT THE ART BREAKER (Early Access) – Grabs the Old-School Beat ‘Em Ups and Throws Them a 2.9D World

Game Review

BEAT THE ART BREAKER is like if Streets of Rage were in 3D.

You run around and beat people up. LIterally. That’s the goal.

It’s a very stylistic pixel art 3D game where you run around a huge urban city and beat people up for cash. It feels like all those arcade cabinets you grew up with if they took place in a 3D world. It’s actually pretty trippy to play because there aren’t many games like this that have the arcade feel to them.

There’s no real storyline or mission, but then again, it’s a work in progress so that could be added later on. In this early access version, you just play as a  guy going around and punching people. As you punch them, you get cash. They’ll attack you back and retailers as well, but you have a dodge maneuver to outplay them.

If you get hit, you take damage and you’re only allowed 5 hits before it’s game over. But most of the enemies are easy to take down. These baddies range from fantasy creatures to just plain ugly. You can kind of “combo” them if you hit the buttons fast enough. They’re also not that aggressive and you’ll be able to take them down pretty easily whereas others are a little more difficult.

If you want to be technical, it’s not 3D exactly, but rather 2.9D as stated by the developer. The same dev, owch, made another game called LONG LIVE THE AXE which has a similar action-packed gameplay style.

With the cash you get by killing them, you can use it to upgrade your stuff or possibly purchase new gear. The current build doesn’t allow you to buy anything yet so it’s still up in the air. However, you can find a few power-ups throughout the city such as running shoes that make you move faster. You can also collect some soundtracks to listen to while you rail on baddies to pixel glory bits.

The game has a nice concept and I’m looking forward to seeing another build. The artwork is very appealing and a whole storyline could be made from this foundation. It’d make an awesome GTA-style game or just a new perspective on the classic beat ‘em up genre. BEAT THE ART BREAKER is something special. As of now, the game is very limited, but that’s obvious as it’s stated by dev on the game page.

It sports nice controls, an urban city with tons of mobs, and a gorgeous pixel scheme.

  • Nice pixel artwork
  • 3D world
  • Stylized gameplay with beat ’em up action
  • Get powerups
  • Good foundation
  • Some areas need polish
  • No shop available
  • Would be awesome with multiplayer
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Game Information

Status: Early Access

Published: 4/14/18

Platforms: Windows

Engine: –

Genre: Arcade

Languages: English

Inputs: Keyboard, Mouse

Developer Information

Developer: owch

Developer page: Go


(Via Developer/Game Page)

Gameplay Video

Download and Play Wink (Early Access)


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