Letters (Complete) – An Awesome and Uplifting Puzzle Platformer

Game Review

Letters is an awesome puzzle platformer game where you need to seek out words the rewrite stories from the past to your pen pal.

You play as a girl named Sarah who’s thinking about her past friendship with her pen pal by reading her old letters they exchanged. She like so draw, but sometimes the letters are blocked by her drawings. Your job is to navigate the letters and find the right words to let you move or delete the drawings in order to progress. it’s like a learning game but it’s an adventure form of it.

It features some delicious artwork with a gorgeous design. The soundtrack is uplifting and makes you happy as you read the old letters and seek out the good old times you two had and you reminisce on the memories you’ve had. Try out Letters if you want to be uplifted and just feel good.

  • A unique puzzle platformer
  • Uplifting soundtrack
  • Cool design
  • Super short- you’ll want more!
Let's Player?

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Game Information

Status: Complete

Published: 9/6/18

Platforms: Windows, macOS

Engine: –

Genre: Adventure

Languages: English

Inputs: Keyboard, Mouse

Developer Information

Developer: 5am Games

Developer page: Go


(Via Developer/Game Page)

Gameplay Video

Download and Play Letters (Complete)



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