Super Duper Ship 2 (Alpha) – A Very Difficult But Awesome Top-Down Indie Action Game


Game Description

Super Duper Ship 2 is a vertical arcade game.

You pilot a tiny spaceship in which you have to dodge obstacles like a lot of other arcade top-down shooters, but Super Duper Ship 2 has some unique features going for it.

First, let’s go over the basics. All you need to do is control your ship and navigate the level. Get to the end to win. It gets pretty intense at parts and the difficulty is there. If you like a challenge, you should give this game a try.

Each level has a ton of different obstacles to avoid like enemy fire, lasers, turrets, and a lot of timing events.This is where the game shines (from the timing events0. You control the ship with your mouse pointer and you can go

This is where the game shines (from the timing events brings the controls). You control the ship with your mouse pointer and you can go backward and forwards and pretty much any direction in a 360-degree circle. This adds a new layer of uniqueness to the game. A lot of parts require that you time your move so you don’t get blasted into pieces.

You have to dodge and weave through all this chaos while at the same time watch a mesmerizing, awesome background. You can collect points by grabbing little spinning green rectangles to boost your score. There are also powerups in the game. You can get stuff like teleportation and a psi-like power that retargets enemy fire towards their own turrets. That’s awesome.

You also get defensive powerups like shields you can activate when you’re in trouble.

It features awesome visuals with a single track of music in the background, but it’s catchy to listen to. The particle effects are also awesome and the sound effects will have you nostalgic for the old classics.

The game is similar to SUPERHOT, where you have to time your plan of attack as you go through the level. It’s like a puzzle you have to navigate vertically.

Super Duper Ship 2 is in alpha and has five levels for you to try. It’s not an easy game. It’ll get you frustrated and there’s plenty of trial-and-error. But it’s strangely addicting and worth a try.

  • Seriously addicting arcade action
  • Challenging
  • Powerups to level the playing field
  • Ability to stall and time your moves
  • Simple controls that work
  • Extremely frustating at some parts
  • Hitboxes for some obstacles are too big
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Game Information

Status: Alpha (In Development)

Published: 9/15/17

Platforms: Windows

Engine: –

Genre: Action

Languages: English

Inputs: Tracked Motion Controller, HTC Vive

Developer Information

Developer: Triple Take

Developer page: Go



(Via developer page.)

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