IzoProject is an awesome top-down Gauntlet-style ARPG where you need to defend yourself against hordes of zombies.
It’s a game that you can play cooperatively with a friend as you team up to use skills and spells against waves of zombies. The game looks similar to Diablo but has a mix of Gauntlet fused into it.
You can choose a character class and then use their unique skillset and playstyle to fight against the zombs. You can pick from a Warrior, Archer, Wizard, and Generalist. Each has its own pros/cons. It’s fun to team up with a buddy and have a strong offense/defense when you combine classes.
The game has you playing in a monster maze but there’s a catch- you can’t escape. You need to survive the waves as long as possible in this dungeon roguelike. The goal is to get a high score, but the game is pretty cool because it’s nonstop action with each wave getting more difficult. It has plenty of loot to collect, skill cooldown, and fast-paced action!
You can sign up for the beta using the following link. It’s one you don’t want to miss out on if you like nonstop zomb action.
- Awesome old-school artwork
- Zombie action
- Class system with pros/cons
- Still in beta- we want it now!
Sign up for IzoProject (Early Access)
I play the newest to the crappiest indie games and filter them for the rest of the crew.
In other words, I’m a bottom-feeder. Why do I volunteer for this trash?
Indie devs: the last honest game creators.