Vulture is a top-down arcade shooter with an awesome twist.
Your ship is made out of blocks. You can get more blocks to build it up. But…you can also lose blocks by getting shot at.
At its core, it’s a typical arcade shooter. You go through levels on rails and you need to dodge enemy fire and blow away abddies. You can choose from different weapons, shields, and armor. This allows some basic customization of your ship.
The awesome part is that as you progress through the game, you collect blocks that let you change how your ship functions. You can completely custozime it to how youplay. You can be a speedy ninja ship with weak hits but good evasion, or you can be a huge behemoth with huge weapons. But the bigger your ship is, the easier it is to take hits, which means you’ll lose your upgrades. So you need to be careful.
It’s a good game if you like arcade shooters. Try it out.
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