HapyFile (Complete) – Get The Lost Computer File Back Home

Game Review

HapyFile is a puzzle game that takes place on your desktop. It seems recently we’ve been playing a lot of games that all take place on the desktop for some reason.

Anyway, the point is where you need to arrange your shortcuts on your desktop in a way that allows a lost file to navigate back to your computer. You need to help this lone file across your desktop back to your “cornmputer.” You can’t control it directly, but you can launch and rearrange other programs in order to get it to move.

One program is called Block. Its used as a barrier to or platform so you can build a bridge to allow the file to cross. The Jumpy program is the other one and it launches the file up int he air. Both programs have cooldowns after you use them and you need to manage your programs because you have limited RAM just like a real computer. There are a limited amount of programs you can have at any given point!

Some puzzles are easy and some are difficult. The game is entertaining enough to keep you busy- especially if you’ve grown up with Windows 95!

  • Awesome pixel art
  • Unique concept
  • Very nice animations
  • Desktop platformer on your desktop
  • Puzzles are too easy
  • RAM management is annoying at part
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Game Information

Status: Complete

Published: 9/2/18

Platforms: Windows, macOS, HTML5

Engine: –

Genre: Platformer

Languages: English

Inputs: Keyboard, Mouse

Developer Information

Developer: marbenx

Developer page: Go


(Via Developer/Game Page)

Gameplay Video

Download and Play HapyFile (Complete)



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